8 Things to Know about Possibility of Pregnancy After A Miscarriage

The news of pregnancy can fill your life with an abundance of happiness and joy. Most women say that there is nothing more joyous than meeting their baby for the very first time. However, most expectant mothers live in the fear of miscarriage throughout the term of their pregnancy.

Miscarriage is a relatively common phenomenon and there are a lot of women who have to go through this ordeal. 

You are probably experiencing strong feelings of grief, shock, anxiety, and a wide range of other emotions. The baby conceived after a miscarriage is generally called a “rainbow baby” by the expecting parents to reflect on the fact that there is still hope and healing. Despite the storm or grief of losing a child, after the storm, there is always hope of a rainbow or a “rainbow baby”.

Possibility of Pregnancy After A Miscarriage

Even though there might not be anything more heartbreaking than losing your baby in a miscarriage, there is still some good news. Most women have a healthy and beautiful baby even after experiencing a miscarriage. Most women will go on to have a full-term pregnancy after their first time miscarriage.

The probability of a full-term pregnancy decreases by a little if you experience miscarriage for two or three times, but the probability is still good.

Understanding miscarriage and its causes

The spontaneous loss of your baby, during pregnancy, before the first 20 weeks is known as a miscarriage. The chances of pregnancy ending in miscarriage before the first 12 weeks or within the first trimester of pregnancy are around 10 to 15%.

In the second trimester or between week 13 and week 19, 1 to 5% pregnancies end in miscarriage. Almost 50% of pregnancies tend to end in a miscarriage and miscarriage often happens even before the mother knows that she is pregnant.

Miscarriage can occur due to

  • The issues with the baby’s chromosomes. The problems in chromosomes occur, by mere chance, when the embryo starts to divide and grow. This problem becomes more prevalent when women age.  
  • Health conditions of the mother such as uterine or cervix problem, hormonal imbalance, etc.
  •  Infections including sexually transmitted infections.

Often the cause of miscarriage remains unknown. However, most of the miscarriages occur due to abnormal development of the fetus. Recovery from a miscarriage may take either a week or a few months. It depends upon the individual. Depending on the type of miscarriage, women also require medical intervention, such as dilation and curettage, to help the fetus flow out completely. 

When can you again be pregnant after a miscarriage?

Physically you may be able to get pregnant immediately. After a miscarriage, you can be pregnant even before having your usual menstrual period. Your body will resume its usual reproductive process after a miscarriage. Before you get your usual period, at first the ovulation will start after 2 weeks of a miscarriage.

Generally, sex is not recommended before the next 2 weeks of a miscarriage. Sex after 2 weeks, during your first ovulation after the miscarriage, may lead to a successful pregnancy.  

Various studies support pregnancy within the first one to three months after miscarriage. It is often theorized that getting pregnant within the first 3 months may lower the risk of another miscarriage. It is believed that your first pregnancy may condition your body successfully to carry out another future pregnancy. But you need to follow your doctor’s advice and guidelines which are tailored to your specific health and miscarriage.

If you had to undergo a D and C procedure, your doctor might advise you to wait several months before conceiving. If you experience repeated miscarriages, your doctor will also run multiple tests to identify the root causes of your miscarriages.

As miscarriages often bring feelings of immense loss and grief, you should try conceiving only when you are emotionally and physically ready.

Chances of another miscarriage

There is always an overall 20% risk of miscarriage and the risk does not go up if you had one previous miscarriage. Almost one out of a hundred women is statistically shown to experience recurrent miscarriages which refer to two or more consecutive miscarriages. The root causes of recurrent miscarriages can be hormonal issues, blood clotting, an autoimmune disorder, uncontrolled diabetic problems, fibroids, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. 

Research shows that after two miscarriages the probability of another miscarriage increases to 28%. The probability of experiencing another miscarriage increases to 43% after experiencing 3 losses.

After second miscarriage

Recurrent miscarriages need to be discussed with your doctor. It is often very difficult to determine the causes of repeated miscarriages. The determination of the root causes of recurrent miscarriages will help you to complete a successful pregnancy term and deliver your baby. 

Your doctor might perform multiple tests which will include 

Blood test – 

Your blood sample will be evaluated to detect autoimmune problems, hormonal imbalance, and blood clotting issues.

Genetic test – 

Both you and your partner will have to get blood tests done to check for genetic variations that may lead to chromosomal abnormalities at conception.


Your doctor may opt for either abdominal for either a transvaginal ultrasound or an abdominal ultrasound to check ovaries, fallopian tubes and to test for uterine problems.


In this procedure, the uterus has to be injected with radioactive dye. The die will trace the uterus and the fallopian tubes and will make them visible for an x-ray reading. This procedure helps to check for any blockages in the fallopian tubes.


This procedure will provide information regarding the inner and outer side of the uterus and also regarding any blockages in the fallopian tubes.


This method is used to visualize the cervix and the uterus using a light tube that is inserted through the vagina.


This procedure helps to visualize the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes using a specialized camera that will be inserted through a small incision on the abdomen.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – 

This imaging test producers images of the uterus.

If you are unable to know the exact causes of repeated pregnancy losses, don’t lose hope. Almost 65% of women have a successful pregnancy even after experiencing three miscarriages without knowing their causes. 

Things you can do

One cannot do much to prevent miscarriages. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and making good choices influence the health of both the mother and the baby.

  • Eating well and following a balanced diet is crucial. Try to keep yourself hydrated with at least 6 to 10 glasses of water during your pregnancy and don’t forget to include an additional 300 calories per day. This will provide your baby with the nutrition required during the second trimester.
  • Prenatal vitamins daily, multivitamin with Folic acid, iron tablets also help to support a healthy pregnancy.
  • Give up alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and smoking. You must keep your caffeine intake in check and keep the caffeine consumption to a maximum of one cup of any caffeinated drink per day.
  • Moderate exercise of 150 minutes per week is generally recommended. Moderate jogging, yoga, and squats are good options to include in your exercise routine. Avoid over-exercising and increase the exercise minutes gradually if you haven’t exercised before. Consult your doctor for a proper routine that will suit your health and pregnancy.
  • Always maintain your prenatal appointments with your doctor. If you have any concerns regarding the health of your baby, feel free to flag them to your doctor.
  • Don’t forget to keep your chronic conditions in check. You may consult your doctor and shift to pregnancy-safe medications for pre-existing conditions.

Effect on Mental health

Miscarriages often harm mental health. You will probably feel tremendous guilt, anxiety, sadness, and grief over the loss of your baby. You should ask for help from your partner and you may also seek out medical help to combat your anxiety and depression. 

A licensed therapist will be able to help you bear this experience. When you conceive again after your miscarriage, you will probably be both overjoyed and anxious. It is normal to feel these mixed emotions. An early miscarriage also often increases the risk of postpartum depression and anxiety.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here we have answered a few of the frequently asked questions that most of the ladies out there have.

When is the time I am going to be ready physically?

According to experts, it is suggested that you consider waiting until you observe all the unwanted signs and symptoms of miscarriage going away. At least one menstrual cycle is recommended before you are trying for a baby. 

When is the right time to plan again for a baby?

To be honest, it is not really possible to say when you, as a person, will be ready. If you have handled yourself well after your miscarriage, you can start planning once all signs of miscarriage have gone. However, do not forget to consult your doctor before planning the next time.

How long can it take to achieve pregnancy after miscarrying?

This has no simple or direct answer and primarily varies from one lady to another. Some can get pregnant right after miscarrying while others can take time. However, getting pregnant just after miscarrying is not suggested because you should give your body the time to adjust to the changing hormones. 

Can I miscarry again?

This is something that you will be worried about if you have miscarried the first time. However, if you are in close and constant consultation with your doctor, and you are taking all the advice seriously, you have nothing to worry or be anxious about. Have happy and positive thoughts.


You are not alone in your grief and loss. There are a lot of women who go through these same feelings. However, most of those women complete their pregnancy and deliver a healthy Rainbow baby. The plethora of feelings that you might be experiencing is normal.

Always seek medical help and reach out to your friends and family to guide you through this difficult time. Consult your doctor and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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