Pregnancy After Abortion: 15 Things You Should Know

Abortion has been considered to be a taboo for ages and is still now. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you are opting for an abortion. Majority cases of abortion are due to unintended or unplanned pregnancy while quite a few are because of genetic and hormonal issues. 

Abortion is a safe and healthy option if major pregnancy complications start to appear during the early stages of pregnancy. Situations can arrive that can pose threats for both the mother’s and the baby’s life. 

There is often a misconception about whether one can conceive even after having an abortion. The answer is YES! Opting for an abortion doesn’t harm your fertility. If you are planning to conceive again, do not hesitate. By keeping in mind a few things and with proper consultation and treatment, you can again be a Mother.

How quickly can you become pregnant after an abortion?

Your menstrual cycle will start after the abortion. If you have a healthy 28-day menstrual cycle, then it is likely for you to have ovulation on the 14th day. It ensures that within a couple of weeks following an abortion you’ll possibly ovulate.

Now is the time when you can opt for unprotected sex if you are planning to conceive. The entire process of ovulation varies from women to women. Some may start to ovulate as early as on the 8th day after the abortion while some have to wait for the pregnancy hormones to subside before they begin to ovulate or menstruate. Ovulation can also depend on how many weeks you were pregnant prior the abortion.

Tips for Getting Pregnant After an Abortion

  • Consult your doctor and check for possible complications before planning to conceive
  • Quit smoking, drinking, and caffeine for ensuring a healthy pregnancy
  • Active sex life is the thumb rule.
  • Have sex regularly when you are ovulating to increase the chances of conceiving.

Symptoms of Pregnancy

The symptoms remain the same even after an abortion. They are:

  • Tender breasts
  • Smell or taste discomfort
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Missed period

It’s been 6 weeks after your pregnancy, and you haven’t had your period yet? Just go for a pregnancy test at home and if it is positive, consult your doctor. You might have to undergo a blood test to determine whether you are pregnant yet or is it because of some unwanted pregnancy hormones present after your abortion.

The ideal time to wait to get pregnant after abortion

  • Doctors’ recommendation says to wait for at least a week or two before having sex, as by that time the risk for any type of infection is not there.
  • Abortions can take a toll on your physical and emotional health too. It is wise enough to abstain from sex for some time if you don’t confident about getting pregnant. If you are confident enough and ready to go bear life again, just go for it!

If you faced complications during your previous pregnancy and also post-abortion, consult your doctor to look for possible threats for conceiving again. Surgical abortions usually pose some complications like:

  • Infections
  • Cervical tears or lacerations
  • Uterine perforation
  • Bleeding
  • Retained tissue
  • Adverse effect leading to hormonal disbalance caused due to medicines

Having a medical abortion can result in some temporary hormonal changes. It is advisable to undergo a proper medical check-up so that you don’t have to go through the same complications during your next pregnancy.

Will the chances of possible risks with pregnancy increase with abortion?

This is a misconception that causes insecurity among women for future pregnancy. Abortion doesn’t harm fertility or doesn’t cause complications in future pregnancies. But there are situations when a late abortion or wrong treatment can lead to giving birth to a preterm baby or a low weight baby. 

Studies say that opting for a surgical abortion during the first trimester can have a risk of miscarriage in future pregnancies. But, these are all exceptions. Do not listen to others apart from your doctor. If you want to go for another pregnancy, listen to your intuitions and your doctor.

There are times when things don’t according to Your plans and it’s better to know about the consequences. So, here are two types of abortions that may or may not pose any risks during your next pregnancy.

Medical Abortion

This process involves taking a pill in early pregnancy to put a stop to the growth of the fetus. Medical abortions have no such history of risks or complications in future pregnancies. Medical Abortion doesn’t usually aggravate risks like:

  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Miscarriage
  • Low Birth Weight
  • Preterm birth in a later pregnancy

Surgical Abortion

A surgical abortion is where the embryo is extracted by suction and by a spinal device called a curet. Dilation and curettage (D and C) are sometimes called this form of abortion. Surgical abortion may cause Asherman syndrome, which can lead to scarring of the uterine wall some times. But, if you have had multiple surgical abortions before, there are serious risks of getting uterine wall scarring.

Asherman syndrome can cause complications in conceiving later on and it might also increase the risk of having a miscarriage and stillbirth.

Abortion is a life-changing and very important procedure as it determines the possibilities of getting pregnant in the future. Abortion should be undertaken by an expert and in a sterile environment. Do not listen to anyone apart from your doctor during these situations. Undergoing an abortion without proper medical supervision can lead to irreversible complications, infertility, and overall health.

How soon will paternity checks be accurate after an abortion?

Your sex hormones, hCG are still present after your abortion and if you go for a pregnancy check within a week, your test will not give you accurate results. But the production of these hormones reduces but it will take a good 16 days to 2 months for the levels to subside. So, there are maximum possibilities of testing positive if you take a pregnancy test during that period.

If you have a feeling that you are pregnant pretty soon after an abortion, consult your doctor. You can undergo a blood-based pregnancy test. 

Things to remember before planning a baby after an abortion:

  • Consult your doctor or a fertility expert before conceiving. 
  • Getting a thorough check-up of your reproductive system.
  • Being physically and emotionally stable and conscious before planning to go through this strenuous process again.
  • Having multiple abortions can cause problems for getting pregnant but doing Kegel exercises can strengthen your pelvic muscles to prepare for the next baby.
  • Give time to your body to heal and help the tissues to regenerate after an abortion. Acting without thinking during this time can add up to your emotional burden which will, in turn, affect your health and stagnant the growth of the fetus.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can abortion affect my future pregnancy?

This completely depends on the kind of treatment that you have received. If you have not faced any complications during the procedure, there is no chance of having any trouble with your future pregnancy.

How soon can I indulge in sexual intercourse?

You should avoid having sexual intercourse for one week. Also, it is best to consult your doctor before you are indulging in a physical relationship with your partner.

How soon can I conceive after going through abortion procedures?

If you are not planning for a baby, it is always safe to use protection because you can get pregnant right after your abortion. 

Will I face any complications?

Complications can be a part of the abortion, but there is nothing to be worried or anxious of. However, whenever you are ready for a baby, make sure that you are consulting your doctor and discussing the complications you might have gone through during your abortion.


Abortion is not a taboo. Your dream of being a mother is not shattered after an abortion. There is always room for conceiving after an abortion. 

Proper consultation and medical expertise are very important while opting for abortion especially in the first trimester. Complications may arise if you are opting for surgical abortion or if you have undergone multiple abortions before. Taking birth control pills or any type of medication should be strictly done under the supervision and consultation of the doctor.

Taking good care of your health and giving time to your body to be ready again for conceiving is necessary. Download an Ovulation Tracking app on your smartphone to keep a track when you are ovulating so that you can indulge in frequent sex to be pregnant.

Stay positive and keep believing!

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